With the development of die industry, the market put forward more, higher and more stringent requirements for mould. Therefore, China's mold industry has entered a rapid development period, during this period, it greatly promoted the progress of die industry. China's mold has a good investment environment, which attracted the entry of small and medium-sized enterprises at home and abroad, which further promoted the technology level and management level of our moulds. China has actively introduced the modern enterprise management system, and gradually narrowed the management gap with foreign advanced enterprises, and really improved the level of China's mold, and promoted the development of the domestic mold industry. In the era of Internet plus, of course, cross industry engineers super Internet platform and mold machinery industry cross-border, with the development of the Internet platform mode, will bring profound influence to the traditional mold machinery industry, promote the rapid migration to the Internet virtual eco traditional industries.
Although the present is in the trough, but China's mold manufacturing industry has shrunk, the scale has increased dramatically, mold production has reached a level close to or reached the international advanced level. With the help of Internet information technology, the mold industry still has a good development prospect. With the development of inspection wells of mold industry, machinery industry and development, due to the lower cost of labor, has attracted many foreign inspection wells mold manufacturing enterprises to invest Chinese, at present our country has become the big country of production of the mold design inspection wells, but also have a great price advantage. In recent years, the development of China's economy has made great progress and played the most important role in the construction machinery manufacturing industry.


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