Six factors for the production of well mold for gypsum line inspection:
1、石膏线表面出现沙孔。 这是因为模型太干燥,吸水性太强所至。因此浇灌前要将模浸透肥皂水,即可消除沙孔。 切记:不要干做石膏线
1, sand holes appear on the surface of plaster line. This is because the model is too dry and the water absorbability is too strong. So it is necessary to soak the soapy water in the mold before irrigation, so that the sand holes can be eliminated. Remember: don't do the plaster line
2、出现裂纹。 分阶段模线处出现裂纹,是模型捆扎不紧,模块松动所至。捆扎的时候要注意力度,不可大不可小,大了石膏线会损坏,小了会变形。
2. There is a crack. The crack appears at the stage of the mold and the model is not tight and the module is loose. When bundling, we should pay attention to the strength, not large, large plaster line will be damaged, small will be deformed.
3、石膏线模具表面有皮肤皱状纹理。 是因为第①层石膏浆太稀,附着力差的原故。石膏浆太稀就往里面加一点石膏粉。
3, plaster mold surface skin like texture. Because the first layer of gypsum slurry is too thin, poor adhesion reason. If the plaster is too thin, add a little plaster of plaster into it.
4、石膏线表面无光泽。 模内隔离剂较厚,石膏像表面无光泽,且不平滑。
4. The surface of plaster line is luster. In the mold, the isolating agent is thicker, and the gypsum looks like the glossy surface and is not smooth.
5、局部有疤痕。 是因为其块模片未涂上肥皂水,石膏浆与模具紧紧粘牢,取模时被模块带掉。还是前面多侵泡一下。
5. There are local scars. Because the block piece is not coated with soap and water, gypsum slurry and mold tightly glued by module modulo off. Or the front of the invasion.
6、有的部位出现大气孔。总是过干过湿都不行。 第①层石膏浆过干,会导致石膏像的眼、鼻等部位出现大气孔,可用雕塑刀抹石膏浆修补。总之还是少返工的好,这样节约时间节约工夫多赚钱不是。
6. There are large pores in some parts. It's not good to get wet all the time. The first layer of plaster of plaster can lead to large pores in the eye and nose of the plaster like, and can be repaired with the plaster of sculpture with a sculpture knife. In a word, it is still better to work less, thus saving time and saving more money than making money.
The above is the production of gypsum line easy to meet the problem, I hope to be able to help. If you meet other questions that you don't understand, please ask for a call.


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