护坡模具为白色聚丙烯塑料注塑成型,形状尺寸多样,常用尺寸样式为,六角护坡模具、六棱块护坡模具、拱形护坡模具、矩形水泥护坡模具 。按照常用的用途有水利护坡模具,高速护坡模具,铁路护坡模具;按照制作分为,水泥护坡模具,塑料护坡模具盖土网 防寒布 麻绳 油麻绳 麻刀 沥青麻绳 静压造型线 自动浇注机 铸铁拍门 钢制拍门 玻璃钢拍门。在分布上来说,护坡模具的生产主要有沿海地区
The slope protection mold is white polypropylene plastic injection molding, with various shapes and sizes. The common size styles are hexagonal slope protection mold, hexagonal block slope protection mold, arch slope protection mold and rectangular cement slope protection mold. According to the common uses, there are water conservancy slope protection molds, high-speed slope protection molds and railway slope protection molds; According to the production, it is divided into cement slope protection mold and plastic slope protection mold. In terms of distribution, the production of slope protection molds mainly includes coastal areas


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